Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a power struggle? A power struggle...Read more
We are probably all feeling depleted recently from layers of discouraging world news—pandemic, wars, natural...Read more
The first time I saw a sex scene in a movie – I was 7...Read more
How can slowing down improve sex? For some, it may seem counterintuitive. But don’t be...Read more
Waiting to begin a sexual relationship until marriage can give sex a deep meaning,[i] making...Read more
Don’t be afraid of growth Grappling with Sexual and Relational Ambiguity I remember when my...Read more
A few years ago, I lived in Kyiv, Ukraine. Once I got the kids to...Read more
The 2020 Super Bowl halftime show featured athletic and provocative performances by Shakira (age 43)...Read more
Radical Mindfulness in Sex There is a therapeutic tool called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)[i] which...Read more
Recently we heard about a woman in her early 70s who has been married for...Read more
If you’re like a lot of us, when you get together with girlfriends you talk...Read more
Since the time you were a little girl, you’ve probably learned to think of yourself...Read more