During a conflict with my husband, we took a short break to calm down. I...Read more
For most of history, women have been told how to behave, how to dress, how...Read more
Intimacy and sexual expression are fundamental aspects of creating a healthy marriage. Yet, for many,...Read more
Be gentle with yourself . . . in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace...Read more
Here’s a truth about sexual conflict—sometimes we don’t give attention to problems until they’re so...Read more
The wedding night: it can be one of the most memorable moments or it can...Read more
Struggle comes in many forms. A short list might include anxiety, missed potential, perfectionism, troubled...Read more
We are in a mental health crisis. Chances are you have felt some increased anxiety,...Read more
The pattern of struggle was well-established: Sarah would voice a concern and Troy would blow...Read more
Intimacy is essential to any healthy relationship, and sexual intimacy plays a significant role. However,...Read more
Living an intentional life is not easy. Jobs take time, school is always pressing, maintaining...Read more
Autonomy is the whole thing; it’s what unhappy people are missing. They have given the...Read more